What is a Fanlisting?

Basically, a fanlisting is a type of fansite that is interactive and joinable. Most often, they stand alone, assuming that the visitor already has knowledge of the subject. However, sometimes a fanlisting can be a part of a larger fansite, such as a shrine.

According to The Anime Fanlistings Organization, "A fanlisting is a web clique that lists fans of a particular subject. Unlike most web cliques, a person does not need a web site in order to join. Fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject."

Fanlistings are not officially owned by the entertainment companies for the subjects they represent. These fanlistings are created by fans for fans. On the internet, the online community largely acknowledges TheFanlistings (TFL) and AnimeFanlistings (TAFL) as a major unifying force behind fanlistings. Their websites act as link directories to fanlistings, with rules and approval requirements. Fanlistings are not required to be a part of TFL/TAFL. However, to be approved by the respected TFL/TAFL community carries much weight in itself, as there can only be one fansite per subject listed.

What is Mecha?

Mecha is one of the oldest genres of animanga, starting in 1956. It covers all series that revolve around the use of piloted robotic armors in battle, which is broken down into two subcategories of Super Robot and Real Robot (Though nowadays, some series are mixing elements from both). Mecha series cover a wide variety of genres from comedy to drama, though are always fantastical and larger-than-life in nature and feature large-scale battles and/or action sequences.

Super Robot describes the sub-genre where mechs usually have an arsenal of fantastic super-powered weapons, are extremely resistant to damage unless the plot calls for it, sometimes transform or combine from two or more robots and/or vehicles usually piloted by young, daring heroes, and often shrouded by mystical or legendary origins.

Real Robot portrays robots as a relatively common item, used by military organizations in the same manner as tanks or aircraft. These mechs are powered by conventional power sources and weapons explainable by real world science, and that use ranged weapons (especially guns and cannons) and speed to survive battle situations.

- Revised from Wikipedia